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Human Growth /Adolescents

Title Human Growth /Adolescents
Assignment type Coursework
Discipline Psychology
Description 1) Why is a passage to adolescents regarded in many cultures as such a significant transition that it calls for unique ceremonies? 2) What are some of the educational implications of the variations of the maturational rates that adolescents experience? How can a teacher help students deal with the wide variety of changes they are witnessing and in which they are participating? 3) Briefly explain how an adolescents thinking is different than that of younger children 4) Why do adolescents increased cognitive abilities, including the ability to reason and to think experimentally, fail to deter them from irrational behavior such as drug and alcohol abuse, tobacco use and unsafe sex practices? 5) How might an adolescents changing self-concept relate to changes in his or her cognitive development? 6) In what ways do you think parents with different styles-authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive-tend to react to attempts to establish autonomy during adolescence? 7) How do these findings about conformity and peer pressure reported in this chapter relate to adolescents? 8) In what ways does membership in clicks or crowds constrain behavior? Do such groupings disappear in adulthood? Extra credit Formulate a question I did not ask and answer it concerning adolescents. This is optional

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