Home / Uncategorized / impact on the perception of security in Europe and the United States, produced by the actions of “lone wolves” from 2004 to today – trends, threats and possible countermeasures

impact on the perception of security in Europe and the United States, produced by the actions of “lone wolves” from 2004 to today – trends, threats and possible countermeasures

1- introduction:
a. introduction to the problem of terrorism in Europe and the United States in recent years
b. introduction to the figure of the “lone wolf”
2-2- the concept of lone wolfa. who are the lone wolves?
b. What arises from this concept?
c. how this concept has evolved over time?
d. what are the techniques of recruitment and influence?
e. Actual membership in terrorist groups or mere emulation and propaganda?3- evolution of the terrorist threat since 2004a. statistics and trends (with line representation) the number of terrorist incidents since 2000 worldwide
b. statistics and trends (with line representation) the number of terrorist incidents since 2000 in europe. compare the events in the europe with the events worldwide (also statistically)
c. statistics and trends (with line representation) the number of terrorist incidents since 2000 in USA. compare the events in the usa with the events worldwide (also statistically)
d. compare the events in europe with the events in the usa (also statistically)
e. isolate events related to the lone wolves from 200 today in europe and the united states. compare and comment on trends.4- impact on the population’s perception of safety in europe and the united statesa. trends related to population perception regarding perceived safety since 2000
b. make a comparison between the trend of the terrorist events in the world (a line) in Europe (a line) in the USA (a line) and the perception of the population about the
(europe histogram of a color – uses histogram of another color ) and comment.
c. highlight any differences and similarities between europe and usa
d. the military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq as they have influenced the perception on security in europe and usa
e. perception of the population of the lone
5- conclusion, what possible solutions on the horizon?

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