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Improvements in the Manufacturing Industry Versus Health Care Industry

1) As health care looks at continuous improvement (as done in manufacturing), one of the most prominent questions that has arisen is Can the principles that worked in manufacturing really transfer over to health care? Taking care of a patient is not like building a car on an assembly line. Can standardized processes really work in a setting that focuses on humans and their needs?”
2) Write a paper of 1,000–1,200 words that takes a position on this argument. Justify the rationale for your position.
3) Refer to the assigned readings to incorporate specific examples and details into your paper.
4) Position is identified and justified with rationale.
5) Demonstrates thorough knowledge of the process of principles of productivity in manufacturing and how they may apply to health care. Clearly develops a strong analysis of the pros and cons. Introduces appropriate examples.
6) Supports main points with references, examples, and full explanations of how they apply. Thoughtfully analyzes, evaluates and describes major points of the criteria.
#3 readings – Edward Deming’s 14 Principles: Business Quality Improvement
Read “Edward Deming’s 14 Principles: Business Quality Improvement,” located on the more business.com website.
1. The Toyota Way
Read chapters 3 and 4 in The Toyota Way by Liker (2004).

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