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Home / Uncategorized / In post-operative total knee replacement patients, does the use of continuous passive motion therapy, improve patient’s range of motion when compared to those patients who receive only physical therapy postoperatively?

In post-operative total knee replacement patients, does the use of continuous passive motion therapy, improve patient’s range of motion when compared to those patients who receive only physical therapy postoperatively?

In this assignment, you will demonstrate an in-depth understanding of developing a researchable question, finding and evaluating evidence, and translating it to nursing practice using scholarly discourse.You will put into narrative form a summation of all the exercises you have done throughout this course. Your paper will have four parts:
Part one should be an introduction and background overview of your topic and why it is important to nursing.
• Part two should describe the methodology of your literature review process; databases searched, key words and terms used, how you narrowed your search, etc.
• Part three should be a discussion of your findings and evaluation and critique of the evidence
• Part four should address the implementation of the findings. If you had unlimited time and resources available, describe how what should be done.

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