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Home / Uncategorized / In The Thousand and One Nights, using two examples of narratives embedded in “The story of the Merchant and the Demon,” explain Shahrazad’s storytelling strategy

In The Thousand and One Nights, using two examples of narratives embedded in “The story of the Merchant and the Demon,” explain Shahrazad’s storytelling strategy

In The Thousand and One Nights (The Norton Anthology of world literature Volume 1 Shorter 3rd edition), using two examples of narratives embedded in “The story of the Merchant and the Demon,” explain Shahrazad’s storytelling strategy ( genre, theme, character). You should consult OWL’s pages on writing about literature. Also use OWL’s MLA Formatting guide for in-text and work-cited citations.The paper should be 750 words in length and conform to OWL’s MLA and literary paper guidelines.
Be sure to consult Gocsik’s Writing About World Literature. See especially chapter 2.
Be sure to use quotes from the story to explain the story telling strategy. Most quote from The Norton Anthology of world Literature volume 1, shorter 3rd edition

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