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India’s “National Cuisine”

Assignment type Essay
Discipline Sociology
Description Read Arjun Appadurai’s “How to Make a National Cuisine” and respond to the questions below 1: Explain why Appadurai sees a national cuisine evolving today out of India’s regional cuisines. How is this modern, national cuisine different from the foodways of the past? 2: What role does social class, religion, colonialism, urbanization, modernization and other cultural influences play in the development of this national cuisine? (This answer should be answered more than one paragraph and should not be oversimplified. In other words, be specific). 3: Why, according to Appadurai, should we “view cookbooks in the contemparary world as culture in the making?” 4: How does this compare to American culture? Do we have a national cuisine? What role does social class, religion, geography, etc. play in our understanding of American food?

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