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Individual Differences

Assignment type Essay
Discipline Psychology and Education
Description I will only need to answer one question from my assignment and i have choose:- a) Do individual differences explain job/career success? Things to take note:- 1) You are expected to structure your answer as a persuasive essay. 2) You should refer to at least one theory of personality, at least one theory of intelligence, and empirical research articles. 3) You should demonstrate wider reading and are expected to read beyond the main textbook. (Textbk Title: Personality, Individual Differences and Intelligence by John Maltby, Liz Day, Ann Macaskill) 4) All referencing has to keep within Year 2010 – 2015. (The max you can go up to 2007 – 2015) 5) I will need 10 references (5 of them has to be literature review (it has to have graph and numbers inside) – my lecturer say we can try searching from Elsevier, Harvard, Biz review, Research Gate or other sources. 6) I need you all to state your references (Please state if it is from website/ Journal/ Books) and citation at the end of each paragraph or sentences. E.g. Introduction Employee voice is to bridge the gap between the management and its traditional role of directing. (Walker 1975, p. 435) (http://www.ukessays.com/essays/commerce/relationship-of-employee-voice-and-employee-performance-commerce-essay.php) all references (from book)

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