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Home / Uncategorized / Introduction to learning -content– Compensatory Assignment for missed or partial missed workshopTitle of Module: ECS105 Introduction to Learning Compensatory Assignment: Essay Word Count: 1,000 wordsThe importance of attendance at the regularly scheduled workshops associated with the various modules with in this blended learning programme cannot be understated. At the workshops students receive a review of key points in the module, are presented with additional learning opportunities, work in groups, sharing experiences and knowledge. They also have opportunities to seek clarification on any aspects of the module of which they are unsure and receive further direction with regards to assessment strategies for each module.Missing a workshop, or part thereof, means students have missed valuable learning opportunities. Therefore, any ‘make-up assignment’ must take into account the entirety of what students have missed and the need for them to demonstrate that they have undertaken such learning independently. Please note: students are permitted to miss one workshop session, completing one compensatory assignment, per academic year. A second missed workshop will result in student not achieving the criteria necessary to complete their current academic year.Compensatory Assignment: With reference to the Introduction to Learning module handbook, evaluate and discuss how applying the ‘PEAR’ model of writing paragraphs (NUI Galway, 2015, p. 107) may strengthen an argument within an academic essay. This is a formal academic essay and with all standards for development and presentation, including referencing, followed

Introduction to learning -content– Compensatory Assignment for missed or partial missed workshopTitle of Module: ECS105 Introduction to Learning Compensatory Assignment: Essay Word Count: 1,000 wordsThe importance of attendance at the regularly scheduled workshops associated with the various modules with in this blended learning programme cannot be understated. At the workshops students receive a review of key points in the module, are presented with additional learning opportunities, work in groups, sharing experiences and knowledge. They also have opportunities to seek clarification on any aspects of the module of which they are unsure and receive further direction with regards to assessment strategies for each module.Missing a workshop, or part thereof, means students have missed valuable learning opportunities. Therefore, any ‘make-up assignment’ must take into account the entirety of what students have missed and the need for them to demonstrate that they have undertaken such learning independently. Please note: students are permitted to miss one workshop session, completing one compensatory assignment, per academic year. A second missed workshop will result in student not achieving the criteria necessary to complete their current academic year.Compensatory Assignment: With reference to the Introduction to Learning module handbook, evaluate and discuss how applying the ‘PEAR’ model of writing paragraphs (NUI Galway, 2015, p. 107) may strengthen an argument within an academic essay. This is a formal academic essay and with all standards for development and presentation, including referencing, followed

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