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Introduction to Quantitative Research Analyze Quantitative Research

Part 1:Week 7 Assignment: Analyze Quantitative ResearchActivity DescriptionConsider the potential quantitative research topic you might choose for your Signature Assignment. This can be a topic you have examined in previous courses or one you have recently become interested in further exploring. Ideally it would be a topic you might envision for your dissertation, although this is not a requirement for this course. Once you have chosen a fairly broad topic, select three to five peer-reviewed quantitative research articles related to your potential topic of interest using the Library Course Guide, articles reviewed by you from EDR7100/8100, or from new searches. Ensure the sources involve actual conducted quantitative studies and not a review of a multitude of previous conducted quantitative research. For each article, discuss the following elements below:
1 The research problem.
2 The purpose or intent of the research.
3 The research questions(s).
4 The hypotheses, if provided.
5 The specific quantitative design.
6 The sample/participants and potential population.
7 How the quantitative data were collected.
8 How the ethical treatment of the human subjects was ensured.
9 How the quantitative data were analyzed.
10 How the proper design identification and implementation to ensure validity in the results was supported.
11 A brief reflection of the overall strengths and weaknesses of the reviewed quantitative research.
In addition to reviewing the assigned textbook readings, please explore the two listed websites to assist with an initial understanding/review of validity and statistical analyses commonly used in educational research.Learning Outcomes1.0 Examine the scientific method.
2.0 Analyze the three primary methodologies of scientific inquiry involving quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods.
3.0 Evaluate the research methodologies and corresponding designs of other studies.
4.0 Develop the steps to conduct scholarly research.Part 2:
Week 7 Assignment: Develop a Problem Statement, Purpose Statement, and Research Questions for a Quantitative Study
Activity DescriptionReferring to the readings from this week and using either the NCU Template Applied Degree CP or the NCU Template PhD Degree CP located in the Dissertation Center based on your degree of interest, generate a statement of the problem, purpose of the research, research question(s), and hypotheses (i.e., null and alternative for each research question) related to your identified topic utilizing a quantitative approach. Ensure alignment in wording and content among all three of these components and include peer-reviewed sources to support all assertions related to your identified topic.
Length: 2 pages, not including title page and reference pages
References: Support your work with a minimum of three scholarly resources.
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly academic writing, current APA standards, and adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
Upload your assignment using the Upload button below.Learning Outcomes3.0 Evaluate the research methodologies and corresponding designs of other studies.
4.0 Develop the steps to conduct scholarly research.
5.0 Evaluate practical and ethical issues associated with conducting research specific to different methodologies.
6.0 Synthesize the scholarly literature regarding an education related topic of interest.
7.0 Begin to develop a focused and dissertation-level problem statement, purpose statement, and research question(s).

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