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Introduction to the Study of Exceptional Children

Title Introduction to the Study of Exceptional Children
Assignment type Research Paper
Discipline Education
Description – Please read carefully. The paper should be on a topic of your own choice within the general area of Children or Adolescents and Special Education. It should deal with the topic from the perspective of the child within a regular classroom setting. For example, as a physical therapist, home support professional, teacher, etc.: what should you know; what can you do to assist the student/counsellor/parent; what should you NOT do; what kind of programs are there to help; who do you notify; etc. These are meant as guidelines only. The paper should be researched and written to have value to you as aphysical therapist, home support professional, teacher, etc. The paper should be 3 pages maximum, double-spaced. (Please do not become creative with spacing and fonts to make it 3 pages if it is only 2 1/2 – it is the content that counts). The paper will be marked for: level of understanding, clarity of the topic or issue, connection to the age group of concern, and have meaning for you as a professional. Please use an APA format. It is expected that the paper will include not only researched material but your own analysis and comments clearly identified. Grading will cover: – Organization and flow (includes APA format, grammar, etc). – Clarity of topic or issues / Quality of explanation – Content (including brief background to the topic, connection to age group, etc). – Explained use of this information for you as a professional

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