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Is Religion, as a Sociological Concept, Ultimately a Force for Good or ill in Society?

Title Is religion, as a sociological concept, ultimately a force for good or ill in society?
Assignment type Essay
Discipline Sociology
Description This task requires you to explain how ANY or ALL of the three sociological paradigms/theories (Functionalism, Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interactionalism) assist in understanding key issues in your topic. 2. Research your topic using a range of quality sources (e.g. peer reviewed literature, ABS statistics ). A minimum of eight references is required for this assessment. 3. Write an 800 – 1200 word essay (including in-text references but excluding reference list) on your chosen question/topic. In this essay: a) Develop a clear argument in relation to the essay question b) Explain how ANY or ALL of the three sociological paradigms/theories (Functionalism, Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interactionalsim) are relevant to your topic. c) Support your argument with evidence (theories, research etc)

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