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Home / Uncategorized / journal -content– The article https://pccc.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/pid-755047-dt-content-rid-2135630_1/xid-2135630_1 .Because you are reading an in-depth article for this journal, I expect that your response will be more detailed. It should be at least 500 words, and provide specific details related to the questions (see journal for directions). Also, please be clear that you can quote or paraphrase from the article (actually you will need to) but you MUST cite the articleNow that you have read the article, On the Same Page, what concerns would you have if you got a job in a co-teaching classroom? Choose 2 strategies that the article suggests that you think you would use to help you create a successful experience in a co-teaching classroom. Discuss which of the 6 co-teaching models appealed to you most and wh

journal -content– The article https://pccc.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/pid-755047-dt-content-rid-2135630_1/xid-2135630_1 .Because you are reading an in-depth article for this journal, I expect that your response will be more detailed. It should be at least 500 words, and provide specific details related to the questions (see journal for directions). Also, please be clear that you can quote or paraphrase from the article (actually you will need to) but you MUST cite the articleNow that you have read the article, On the Same Page, what concerns would you have if you got a job in a co-teaching classroom? Choose 2 strategies that the article suggests that you think you would use to help you create a successful experience in a co-teaching classroom. Discuss which of the 6 co-teaching models appealed to you most and wh

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