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Journal Reflection

Assignment type Reflective Practice
Discipline Psychology and Education
Description One use of journal writing is to facilitate the documentation of knowledge you are constructing throughout the course. It will help you take control of and direct your own learning experience, identify what you have learned, what questions you have, and what you would like to know more about. You should not only reflect on knowledge gained through materials and discussion, but also new ideas to explore feedback from others. You will locate three journal articles that pertain to topics that are being discussed in class. Each log will consist of you reading the article, summarizing the key points in the article and writing a reflection of the article. The article must be in a peer reviewed journal and must consist of sound research. Reflections will encourage you to use the course content, your prior knowledge, and your experience to craft your responses. Bring your current knowledge and experience into your reflections when appropriate. Reflection is an opportunity to construct knowledge and meaning from your work. It is one of the most valuable activities you will perform in this course. Consider the following suggestions when you are crafting your responses in your journal writing. I will be looking for evidence of these suggestions to assess the quality of your reflections. ? Your reflections should be written and turned in via email on the week that they are due, if not before. Keep in mind that the main purpose of this exercise is to help you construct meaning and self­assess your progress. ? Your reflections should be thorough and thoughtful. Support your ideas by using examples, readings, experiences from your own knowledge base, other course work, etc. ? The article review and reflection should be no more than 3 pages in length. ? Your reflections should address the question or problem. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to examine your thinking and learning. Make sure your reflections have depth and reflect critical thinking, analysis, and synthesis. ? Your reflections should be complete and free of grammatical or structural errors.

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