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Leadership is a social process, whereby an individual influences the behaviour of others without the use of threat or violence, and as suggested by Rollinson (2010, p.189) a leader can be defined as “someone who occupies a role which involves conforming to a set of behavioural norms and expectations emanating from followers, in return for which they confer upon the leader a degree of power that (within prescribed limits) allows the leader to influence their actions”. Management, on the other hand, involves the exercise of formal authority over the work of other people and Rollinson (2010, p.188) defines a manager as “a person formally appointed to a role in the organisational hierarchy, associated with which is the formal authority (within prescribed limits) to direct the actions of a subordinate”.

Discuss the importance of these approaches to leading and managing people in organisations.


Part Two:

According to Senior & Fleming: (2006) “Soft systems approaches to change emphasise not just the content and control of change but also the process by which change comes about”.

Critically evaluate the limitations of soft systems approaches to change (OD approach) to managing and sustaining organisational change.


Considerations: you should follow these guidelines to help you plan your answer

• Definitions, theories and examples surrounding leadership and management.

• Highlight the main differences between management and leadership.

• Identify and discuss individual and organisational goals from management and leadership perspectives – and the ability of each ‘concept’ to influence behaviour and performance with reference to and use of power.

• Discuss in general terms the differences between the hard and soft systems models of change.

• Discuss the factors that should be taken into account when considering soft systems approaches to change.

• Use of references to contemporary texts and organisational examples in order to underpin ideas and points described.

• It is important to draw a parallel between the theory and practice and use appropriate references for the facts given.

Assessment Criteria:

The essay follows the pattern of an introduction, the main theme and end with a conclusion.

Research companies/organisations must be based in the Caribbean.

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