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1.Lesson 10 Assignment: Write brief answers (two or three sentences) to the following questions (35 points):
a.In Chapter 10, Lukens says that, “A writer’s style is a personal choice dependent upon setting, plot, and characters.” What does she mean?
b.For an hour or so (radio? TV? people around you?), focus on the words you hear. Identify three or four that have connotations that greatly extend their dictionary meaning.
c.Lukens uses Charlotte’s Web for most of her examples of figurative language. Can you do the same with Julie of the Wolves? Where did you notice personification and the use of similes and metaphors? Are there examples of overstatement (hyperbole), understatement, allusions, or symbols? (Find at least four of the seven examples.)
d.Give an example of onomatopoeia from Julie of the Wolves. What do you think is an important symbol in the story?
e.Lukens tells you that an author conveys tone through his or her style. Give an example of how this works in the two novels that you have read (Charlotte’s Web and Julie of the Wolves).
f.This chapter discusses several varieties of tone and notes how preferences change as time, style, and values (among other things) change. Books go in and out of favor as society changes. How have you experienced this? Give examples from children’s books; mention others also, if you wish.
g.Discuss either condescension, sentimentality, or sensationalism–whichever you think is the most serious issue–and explain why it can be detrimental to children’s enjoyment of literature.
each question has to be answered

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