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Management Theory & Practice

Group Assignment
The group assignment serves a variety of purposes; foremost, you and your team will align yourselves with a Human Resources topic you find of interest. Below there is small case of a new employee in your company. Please read thoroughly and try to link theory with practice in order to analyze and present the theory and its practical implication.
Boyacigiller et al (2006 p81) have stated that ‘A key difference between domestic and global managers is the need for global managers to deal with significantly greater complexity and to be open to the outside world.’ However, Baruch (2002 p36) has made the point that ‘although the concept of globalization reflects true business reality, the idea that there is a certain template-a “gingerbread man cutter” concept into which one should fit in order to be the successful Global Manager seems flawed’. Critically evaluate these perspectives so that you address the arguments for and against these views

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