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Mathematical Derivations

What is the title/topic of your paper?

Three-dimensional (3D) theoretical regular-shaped geometry-based stochastic model (RS-GBSM)

Can you please describe your brief?

As explained in attached, we need to calculate the path loss of ray emerging from the transmitter, reflecting by ellipsoid surface (scatterer (S)) and then collide the receiver through the distance between the transmitter and receiver, (d1) and (d2) respectively.
40 -50 scatterers will be created of random azimuth/elevation angles of arrival.
The total path loss will be calculated and their delays.
Since the model will be used in indoor dimensions (small dimensions), so the approximations are not valid compared with approximation done in below papers.

How many words is your brief?:

Most the work will be mathematical derivations, but it is preferably to mention all details.

Referencing style to be used :

IEEE Referencing style

Additional materials provided? :

I have attached the proposed model as pdf file (will be sent to the writer).

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