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Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Request to have a 3-4 page essay related to macroeconomics. The title have to be a question format for example: “what are the advantage and disadvantage of GDP in the economy?”. The question has to be answered in the research paper. Also, please add graphs in the fifth page. Please utilize Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) site or any other macroeconomics sites. Please see writing requirements below:
Written Assignment:There is only one written assignment due at the end of Week 3. The objectives are twofold: improve writing and research skills. The writing exercise demands from you for a clear, direct, short academic piece. The research component requires to update quantitative data to the latest available and to find at least 1 peer reviewed article.
Pick one Macroeconomic topic that most interests you and write a short essay under the following conditions:
• The short essay length is 3-4 pages of text. The focus is on quality rather than quantity. Graphs and tables, references and footnotes must go to the end of the essay, and it is not included in the 2 pages.
• The structure of the short essay is Introduction (1st paragraph), Economic Analysis and Conclusion (last paragraph).
• The introduction should be just 1-paragraph long. It should explain why the topic is relevant for you and finish explicitly with a research question. This question MUST be a focus question from any chapter we studied or the seven special topics mentioned above.
• The title of the essay cannot be the research question.
• The economic analysis section is the body of your paper. It sets the arguments to answer the research question with the latest data you found and ideas from refereed articles. You should be able to use key macroeconomic terms to analyze the data and all information you have in the argument.
• We will use APA style because economics is a social science. More information is at our Library, http://nuls.nu.edu/web/trainingtools/assets/media/APA.pdf or http://library.nu.edu/FindResources/ReferenceTools/citations.html. Given the paper is just 2-3 pages long, avoid using quotation marks with the ideas of others. Write the ideas of others with your own words and properly acknowledge the source of it.
• Refereed papers are academic papers that were criticized and reviewed by experts before being published. More information can be found in http://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/academic/sources/journals/index.html http://www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/~agraham/guides/guidec.shtml.

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