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Module 7 Discussion Board

Module Objectives:

Upon completion of this module students will be able to discuss Employee Compensation and Benefits

Meets course objection #6 as listed below;

#6. Describe and discuss the demographic trends that are changing the nature of the workforce.


Flynn, W.J., Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., Valentine, S.R. (2016). Health care human resource management (3rd ed.). South-Western. Thompson
Chapters 12 & 13

American Nurses Association. (2009). Scope and standards for nurse administrators (2nd ed.). ANA: Washington, DC.

Applicable readings in the Nursing, Human Resources, and Business literature


Answer one of the following questions at Module 7 Discussion Board.

1.Compare and contrast an entitlement compensation philosophy and a performance focused compensation philosophy.

2. Discuss the Fair Standards Act(FLSA) and apply to current healthcare organization workforce.

3. Describe the importance of structuring a compensation plan that attracts, rewards, and retains nurses and others in the healthcare organization while maintaining organizational financial integrity.

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