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Morals v. Ethics v. Law

Title Morals v. Ethics v. Law
Assignment type Coursework
Discipline Sociology
Description Bring your annotated copy of Memorial Medical Center during Hurricane Katrina.pdf to class. Here is another link (Memorial Medical Center during Hurricane Katrina-1.pdfPreview the document View in a new window ) If you cannot see this document please contact me. Prompts 1. Using the work included in this module, define and describe the distinctions between (1) Morals, (2) Ethics and (3) Law. 2. What penalties and procedures exist for organizations to reprimand breaches of their Code of Ethics? Find examples and decide what would be most appropriate for Dr. Pou. 3. Read the Hippocratic Oath and compare Dr. Pou’s behavior under that Code of Ethics and another from one of your favorite companies. Did Dr. Pou act ethically? Which stakeholders did she act on behalf of by her actions. https://morgan.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/pid-1734693-dt-content-rid-4250773_1/courses/76125.201670/DE_Template_BUAD326_ImportedContent_20151108123941/web_resources/Memorial Medical Center during Hurricane Katrina.pdf http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/hippocratic-oath-today.html

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