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Nationally Accepted Quality Measures and Benchmarks in Various Practice Settings

The purpose of this discussion is to describe nationally accepted quality measures and benchmarks in the various practice settings.
Please limit your PowerPoint presentation to 6 to 10 slides, excluding the opening slide and reference slide.
Please include the following information:

1. Is the organization a regulatory agency or a professional organization?
2. What are quality measures the agency or organization oversees?
3. Use a variety of sources of information to review outcomes, compare benchmarks of care, and identify potential areas for improvement.
4. What impact does this agency have on reimbursement In your facility ( if any ) (I work at the Charlie Norwood VA in Augusta Ga)

The PowerPoint will be on – Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)

Include at least 5 references

Required Class Textbook:
Glassman, K., Rosenfeld, P. (2015). Data Makes the Difference: The Smart Nurse’s Handbook for Using Data to Improve Care. Silver Springs ,Maryland. American Nurses Association.

Duffy, J. (2013) Quality Caring in Nursing and Health Systems: Implications for Clinicians, Educators, and Leaders, New York. Springer Publishing Company.

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