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Assignment type Coursework / Assignment
Discipline Political Science
Description Do not ask random people – ask people you know. make a list of their names (yes, first and last names), ages, gender (if you know them, you know these). Ask as many people in your life that you can think of and try to get them to chose between the Republican or Democratic parties. (e.g.: family, school, work, church, sports team, fraternity, etc – you must have at least 25 people). ASK THEM: “Which party do you most often vote for or identify with: Republicans or Democrats?” Record their answer on your list? If they say both or neither or something like that – Press them to pick ONE OR THE OTHER! Tell them: For your project, you NEED them to PICK ONE PARTY. If they really can’t or won’t pick one, record it as “none.” If they name another (third) party, record it. Don’t argue about whether it is a real party. Tabulate your totals for the whole group and compare the groups in your life. Tell what percentage identified with what party (or third party, or none at all) etc. and how the groups differed or did not. (Part 1) In one to three paragraphs, describe your findings. Give the percentages you have tabulated for the totals and for each group. (Exp: My work friends split evenly, but my church friend were all democracts…) (Part 2 ) list the names, ages and gender of each person you asked along with some brief notation of their relationship to you (e.g.: mom, friend, co-worker, etc) and their political identification.

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