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Performance Management

Human Resource Management Class
Topic: Performance Management
The purpose of this assignment is to identify 2 relevant academic journal articles relating to Performance Management, provides an accurate bibliographic reference for the articles and can summarize each article in a brief resume or abstract.
This summary must be original (i.e. written by you in your own words) and not an abstract provided by the article author, journal or publisher. For this assignment, non-academic article, textbooks, books, newspaper or magazine articles may NOT be used
Each summary should be no more than 250 words (total 500 words)
Make sure that you take a look at the rubric that will be used to evaluate the assignment:
Total 5%
• 2 points- Two articles that were highly relevant to the topic and context were researched and selected.
• 1 points: Bibliographic references contained no errors
• 2 points: Summary clearly highlights more than 3 key findings for each article within the allowable word count.

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