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Power and Privilege course, essay on Construction of Exclusion in the Law – Race

In organizing your essay, see if you can identify a common theme or several themes that can serve as organizing threads that bind together the range of theory and court opinions you read about. It is a challenging undertaking to be sure. In our discussion, we will hopefully make references to individual cases to illustrate the points we wish to make. You may find it useful to analyze in some careful detail the wording of the various cases cited and make inferences about the underlying and informing assumptions that shaped the reasoning on which they are based. This is a way of surfacing the ideological underpinnings of power and privilege as expressed by the courts.What was your reaction to the Jennette Wickes-lim piece. Did you find the data reported to be persuasive?For those of you who are parents, how did you respond to the article on parenting a white child, in contrast to those of you who are parents of a “minority child”?Robert Moore highlights the seemingly innocuous and innocent practiced in our communication with others. You may wish to address his analysis by considering how such “innocent wording”, both as as speakers and listeners, can have a bearing conveying particular values beyond what we might consider to be the literal definition of the wording.You may well find the assigned material to be quite complex and even challenging in places and, also, lengthy. What follow are suggestions you may wish to keep in mind as you frame your analyses. “Who is ‘we’ in ‘We the people?’” Was the intention of the framers to include you in the “we?” How about others whom you know? Had you been present at the time, what criticisms and arguments might you have raised to alter the scope of that concept of “we?”
Do not concern yourself with the legal principles and arguments; focus much more exclusively on the stories, the personal accounts.
In your analyses of the readings, focus your creative energy on highlighting how the accounts described in the cases have broadened and deepened your understanding and appreciation of the law as a political instrument and as a reflection of how we think about the issues described in the opinions.Important: take in consideration please that I am a white woman with one child (white female). Readings text in this module from :
Leslie Bender and Dann Braveman Power, Privilege and Law. A Civil Rights Reade

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