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prosecutors report

Identification of relevant facts which indicate a criminal offense
Identification of the Maryland criminal statutory code and statutory title for each criminal offense committed by the offender(s)
Identification of the proper facts and/or evidence that the prosecutor would use to seek a conviction against the offender. You need to match up the facts of the case to the elements of the criminal statute to make sure you are charging the offender under the correct law.
Identification of the classification of the offense (felony or misdemeanor) and the maximum penalty that the offender could receive (Complete this section for offenses under the Criminal Law section of the Maryland Code. You do not have to complete this section for offenses under the Transportation section of the Code.
You can access the Maryland Code through the Maryland Law Libraries website at: http://mdcourts.gov/lawlib/researchtools/sourcesmdlaw.html . From there you can follow the following directions:-1. Click on the link titled Current Code and Rules from Westlaw. You will find a list of all the Maryland statutes.-2. You will be looking under the Criminal Law and Transportation sections of the code. Once you click on the titled sources you will find the defined statutes as sub-categories or sub-folders below the link.

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