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Psychology Final Essays

Assignment type Essay
Discipline Psychology and Education
Description 4 short separate essays. 1. Based on what you learned in this course, explain what science is and what is not, the assumptions of science, and the limitations and limiting factors on science in general. Lecture notes (1.1-1.4 attached ) Question 2: Strong Inference Steps 1-2 (found primarily in lectures 2.1-2.6) Question 3: Strong Inference Step 3 (found primarily in lectures 3.1-3.4). Question 4: Strong Inference Steps 4-5 (found primarily in lecture 4.1-4.3, 5.1-5.2) For questions 2-4, walk me through how you would go through the specified step(s) of strong inference. Be sure to address each of the following points as they apply to the step(s) addressed in that question: 1) the decisions you will need to make & each of the choices available to you 2) if applicable, the conditions under which you would make one choice and not another 3) if applicable, the assumptions underpinning each potential choice you could make 4) if applicable, the advantages of each specific choice you could make 5) if applicable, the limitations & potential problems that could arise as a consequence of each choice.

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