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Research Essay

Devise a thesis that incorporates your major or possible major. Focus on a particular point you’d like to examine WITHIN your major. For example, if your major is education you might explore the benefits of “common core” curriculum or how the internet influences the classroom. You should not tell me why you chose to major in education or why the field is important.
This essay will go through the drafting process and only the final essay will be graded.
Citations and Sources: You should use at least three sources. You must use proper MLA citation guidelines. Be sure to use legitimate sources (no Wikipedia!) to back up your claims.
Format: Research essay should be 7-8 pages typed, double-spaced, 12pt font; Times New Roman (or similar). Name, date, class and essay number (Ex.: Rough Essay 1; Final Essay 1) on top. 1” margins all around; page numbers on bottom.
For your final essay, you must include a cover letter wherein you reflect in writing on your own strengths and weaknesses for this particular essay. Failure to include this will result in a one-letter-grade deduction. Your Works Cited page and your cover letter do not count toward the page requirement.

Rough Essay: Due Sunday, April 17th (to your workshop members)
Draft 1: Due Sunday, May 1st (to me and to your workshop members)
Final Essay: Due Sunday, May 8th, ( to me via sulicny@pace.edu)

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