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Research paper

Assimilation is the process, sometimes slow and arduous, whereby an immigrant group gradually adapts to the customs in attitudes of the host country. How does the need to simulate affect Stephana in “Greener Grass” or Rosa and her family in “Rosa in Television Land”? Think about creating a new identity that allows one to fit in and think about the pride and honor (la bella figura) that rules Rosa and her family’s view of the world. Religion plays a pivotal role in Pietro di Donato’s Christ in Concrete. How does religion impact Annunziata and Paul? What is di Donato saying about Catholicism?Think about the family dynamics in Kenny Marotta’s “Her Sister” (The relationship between Enzo and his mother, Saredda, her sister, and her desire for the American dream, and Enzo, his uncle, his need for a home of his own, and his place in society) in the story. Enzo and Saredda represent the people who would travel to America and become the Italian immigrants we have encountered in Christ in Concr

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