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Research Paper

Title Research Paper
Assignment type Research Paper
Discipline Business
Description Literature Review on The Effect of Uncertainty on Cross-border investments, and The role of two types of organizational learning (experiential and vicarious) on mitigating those effects I will upload around 20 papers; your tasks are read the papers and write an essay. Table of content: 1)Executive Summary 2)Introduction 3)Theoretical Background 4) Empirical results 5)Conclusions Main parts are: 3)Theoretical Background: read and summarize Theoretical section of all papers and write the literature review of all theories used in the theory section (section 3). 4) Empirical results to read the introduction, results, and conclusion parts of all papers for review part (section4). I expect more details from papers, please go deep to theory section and include theoretical model or classification; and also include more details from results I don’t want a surface based lit review with general information about the papers, please go deep to results and theories. Please include more details on paper and skip introducing papers with general information

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