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Research Paper Protocols

Title Research Paper Protocols”
Assignment type Research Paper
Discipline Psychology
Description Research Paper Protocols Throughout the course, you will create a research/term paper (2,500 words of content, plus cover, abstract, and reference pages) that relates a basic social psychological principle of your choice to one of the applied subfields (forensic psychology, psychology of religion, and health psychology). The paper must have at least five scholarly (peer reviewed) sources, four of those from the past two years. After you have fulfilled the scholarly article criteria, you may use other sources you find applicable, but these other sources, especially Web sources, should be used judiciously and sparingly. Below is an outline of due dates: 1. The Research Paper: Thesis and Sources will be due to the instructor for review in Module 3. 2. Written feedback from the instructor on the Research Paper: Thesis and Sources will be provided in Module 4. 3. Student should begin writing the Research Paper: Rough Draft in Module 4 and submit it to the instructor in Module 5. 4. The Research Paper: Final draft will be due in Module 7. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

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