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Home / Uncategorized / Select an organometallic compound or compound family used in either homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysis using the primary literature.

Select an organometallic compound or compound family used in either homogeneous or heterogeneous catalysis using the primary literature.

A short paragraph as Abstract.
The introduction should address the importance of the catalytic process providing relevant details on how the resulting products contribute to everyday life.
The Methods section should describe the preparation and characterization of the catalyst/catalyst system.
The Discussion section should describe the catalytic process in detail.
In the Conclusion focus on economic and environmental considerations that can influence whether you selected catalyst will remain in use or is likely to be phased out by new technology. The Main Focus of this paper is to show your knowledge of synthesis and characterization techniques. you are also encouraged to explore mechanistic details, if that information is available for your selected compound.
****The Reference (use ACS format). don’t use MLA. at least 8 relevant literature references in ACS format.
Notice: Paper use ACS format, not MLA

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