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Small-Scale Qualitative Project Write-Up

This week, you will write a 6 page paper of your small scale qualitative research project. Your write-up should include the problem statement, purpose statement, theoretical/conceptual framework, and should focus on the draft literature review in chronological order, starting with the history of your topic. . The primary purpose of this assignment is to give you experience writing up qualitative research literature reviews, using the Doctoral Study Rubric. This exercise will help prepare you for writing your doctoral study and research-based articles for scholarly publication.

In your paper, also include a final draft of the theme analysis and coding you began last week. Use the Doctoral Study Template provided for your write-up.

Here below is part of the paper that the writer will just have to refine base on the instruction on the templates. The writer will have to respect the restrictions and the requirement for written each part , the problem statement and the purpose statement and the other part mentioned in the questions. It is important that the writer read the instructions carefully and respond accordingly. also below is the main topic of the research as you already know

The Effects of Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices on Employee Performance

Problem Statement

Employee performance is a crucial factor that affects performance of the organization as a whole. Implementing human resource management practices is a crucial way through which favorable outcomes could be promoted (Cardon & Stevens, 2010). At the moment, there is limited existing literature on the effect of various human resources (HR) practices such as selection, career planning, training, performance appraisal, reward, and employee involvement/participation. There is therefore, the problem of failure to articulate human resource management practices well which emanate from the gap in knowledge. This problem does not only affect the human resource management as a section alone. It is crucial to note that a whole organization is usually affected and especially the employees as well as performance.

Purpose statement

The research will purpose to review literature on the problem of human resource management practices and their effect to employee performance. This orientation is viable because human resource primary goal is to ensure proper management of employees such that production is at optimum. When human resource management fails to articulate their practices to this effect, maybe due to the effect of limited literature on the issue, there ought to be underperformance in an organization. It is important to therefore come up with literature that seeks to guide human resource management practices towards improving employee performance. Understanding these effects will enable HRM managers to invest more in their workforce innovatively. By developing its workers, an organization would be able to realize its corporate goals as a result of increased employee performance.

Despite the immense importance of HRM practices toward the realization of organizational performance in general and employee performance in particular, a lot of business organizations do not emphasize its effective utilization to enhance employee performance (Wood, 2011).

Research question

Any successful research must have a relevant question which ought to seek answer to a particular problem. Such question is usually derived from the perceived problem. As such, This research would have a question that seeks to enquire from human resource managers, what human resource management practices they have employed and seen positive improvement in employee performance.


Cardon, M., & Stevens, C. (2010). Managing human resources in small organizations: What do we know; Human Resource Management Review. 14 , p. 295?323.

Wood, S. (2011). Human Resource Management and Performance. International Journal of Management Review. 1(4): 367-413

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