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social media and nursing education

Select a societal trend that is affecting curriculum in nursing or patient education. SOCIAL MEDIAIn a paper of 1,000-1,250 words, describe how the selected societal trend affects nursing or patient education. *Relate the issue to appropriate professional standards and competencies.
* Explore strategies to enhance the positive affect or minimize the negative affect of the selected issue.
* Use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed resources less than 5 years old in addition to the course materials. USE THE 3 SOURCES USED IN THE WORD FILE ATTACHED1.Thalluri, J., & Penman, J. (2015). Social Media for Learning and Teaching Undergraduate Sciences: Good Practice Guidelines from Intervention. Electronic Journal Of E-Learning, 13(6), 455-465.
2.Westrick, S. J. (2016). Nursing Students’ Use of Electronic and Social Media: Law, Ethics, and E-Professionalism. Nursing Education Perspectives, 37(1), 16-22. doi:10.5480/14-1358
3.West, C., & Verran, D. (2013). Something to tweet about: incorporating social media into your nursing practice. Transplant Journal Of Australasia, 22(1), 10-12.ENSURE THE PAPER HAS THESE POINTS
Clearly & comprehensively describes selected trend affecting nursing or patient education
Clearly & comprehensively addresses the significance of selected trend
Clearly relates issue to appropriate professional standards and competencies

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