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social world

Davoudi (2012 p 305) argues that ‘we need to tread carefully when translating resilience thinking from the natural to the social world’. Drawing on Miller et al (2010) to what extent might the framework of vulnerability help navigate this path? Develop your answer with reference to both Davoudi (2012) and Miller et al (2010). It is not necessary to consult other readings for this paper. Marking criteria: Clearly structured, written and referenced (with brief introduction and conclusion at the end; paragraphs arranged logically throughout; sentences of first paragraphs setting the scene; clarity of expression; written in your own words; quotes carefully selected and correctly referenced). Please note, there are no page numbers for Miller, so to reference any quotes follow this format ‘Resilience focuses on uncertainty and adaptation in complex adaptive systems’ (Miller et al 2010: np). np= ‘no page numbers’ ——-3 marks Able to define resilience and vulnerability —-6 marks Able to summarise key arguments presented by the authors ——6 marks

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