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Title is a hate crime the result of prejudices , ethnocentrism, or stereotyping?
Assignment type Coursework
Discipline Sociology
Description Need some short answers for the following questions. 1. is a hate crime the result of prejudices , ethnocentrism, or stereotyping? 2. We are not born with prejudicial views but rather learn to classify and judge people from a variety of sources including our family, peer group, teachers, mass media and the internet. Our textbook presents four theories on the development of prejudicial views. What are they and which do you think offers the best explanation? 3. do you think most parents believe that mass media can impact their children’s values? 4. who do you think mass media is teaching our children about racism and diversity? 5. The new trend in television and movies is to diffuse view that all Muslims are terrorists is to contrast the Muslim terrorist with a Muslim who is a patriot. This shift away from blatant stereotyping has not had an impact on the view of Arabs/Muslims as terrorists. why does positive imagery of Arabs and Muslims operate to justify discrimination, mistreatment, and war?

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