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1) Use one-way ANOVA to analyse all data with the significance level (p ≤ 0.05) and post-hoc testing to determine the differences in elastic moduli, creep, micro and nanohardness between the groups.
Material’s properties tested
Fillers Nanohardness Elastic Modulus Creep Depth Microhardness
Wt% Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Group 1 000 0.183775 0.010048 1.398912 0.070122 0.521535 0.031314 16.73333 0.627163
Group 2 0.01 0.197371 0.014689 1.552961 0.178437 0.465254 0.021188 17.15833 0.435784
Group 3 0.025 0.215833 0.023093 1.919816 0.153086 0.414238 0.014858 19.35833 0.625019
Group 4 0.05 0.199958 0.025657 1.811438 0.229451 0.44069 0.034032 17.66667 0.201843
Group 5 0.01+25(Silica) 0.254071 0.029333 2.530353 0.382338 0.493941 0.043725 20.09167 0.356293
Group 6 0.025+25(Silica) 0.266486 0.01687 2.651105 0.160237 0.363243 0.010284 21.9 0.301846
Group 7 0.05+25(Silica) 0.264719 0.03934 2.504003 0.173461 0.460391 0.046936 20.39167 1.337597
Group 8 000+25(Silica) 0.250017 0.015247 2.415445 0.103572 0.504732 0.048012 19.175 0.639661
2) Use charts, graphs and write about your findings.

The table below shows the mean and SD for all tests result. Find attached an Excel sheet for all data.

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