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This paper will follow APA format for citations and reference page. . This includes sourcing factual information within the paper and will include a reference page and cover sheet. It will also include a minimum of 4 references, and range in length roughly 4 pages, double spaced. Ethical procedures and guidelines will be enforced. Sources must be academically credible or reputable.eg CDC,WHO etc. (do not use Wikipedia). Topics will relate to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) in Specific parts of the world.
Choose a part of the world that you are interested in studying: Haiti, Germany, China, South Africa, England, a US state or county, etc. Then, choose a sexually transmitted infection that is affecting the region you chose.
Specific directions for each paragraph:
• First paragraph: tell me about the region. What is the land like, where is it located in the world, what is the socio-economic status of the people, who makes up the population, what types of business or industry drives their local economy, etc. Atleast , Five sentences of information per paragraph and use sources!
• Second paragraph: choose a disease and explain it. You can choose from Gonorrhea, Syphilis, HIV-AIDS, Chlamydia, Hepatitis, HPV, etc. Is it a viral or bacterial infection? What is the scientific name for the virus or bacteria? How is it spread? What is the treatment, if any? Five sentences of information per paragraph and use sources!
• Third paragraph: tell me how the disease is affecting the region you chose. Give me some statistics. How is the disease effecting males and females, what age group has the highest rate of new cases, is there a correlation between age, education, or socioeconomic status? Five sentences of information per paragraph and use sources!
• Fourth paragraph: tell me if anything is being done in the area to prevent or stop the disease from spreading further. Does the community, county, state, national, or international health department offer free education or testing for the population? Do they offer condoms, etc.? Are there any special non-profit groups or grants that offer education and services? Give me the names of the organizations, contact information, or website addresses that are specific to the region you have chosen. This paragraph can be completed in at least,4 sentences plus the contact information of the health education organizations.Format of the final paper:
1. Cover page with the title of the paper, your name, and a picture of the area you choose.
2. Your paper: several pages, DOUBLE SPACED
3. Resources page with proper citation format.
Points will be taken off your paper for the following reasons:
• Not following directions.
• Improper grammar, misspelling words, sentence fragments, and run on sentences. (Use spell and grammar check, please!)
• PLAGIARISM – the stealing of other people’s thoughts, ideas or information, and using them as your own. Also known as not giving credit where credit is due.
• Using run on or choppy sentences.
• Using “I”, “me”, or “you” statements in the paper. (No “your” or “you’re” either!)
• Using bad resources such as Wikipedia.
• Not providing a resource page, or not using citations in the body of the paper
• Not understanding the difference between: There, their and they’re.
“There” is a place. Ex. “Please put the vase there on the table.”
“Their” shows possession. Ex. “Their dog likes me and wants me to pet it.” “They’re is a contraction of “they” and “are”. Ex. “They’re going to the movies.”
• Not understanding the difference between “its” and “it’s”
“Its” shows possession: “The cat hurt its paw.”
“It’s” is a contraction of “it” and “is”. Ex. “It’s going to rain today.”
• Using an apostrophe (‘) to make something plural (meaning more than 1 of something). The apostrophe is used to show a contraction (example: don’t, it’s, can’t) OR to show possession of something (example: Mike’s car is really cool).

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