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Swot Analysis

• Read the case (more than once), understand its main issues, and discuss it thoroughly within your team
• Perform a SWOT analysis, then make recommendations
• Make sure you understand the SWOT methodology before you proceed with the analysis
• For information on the SWOT analysis methodology, see http://www.quickmba.com/strategy/swot/ (other resources exist online)
• Ask for my help if necessary
• You must justify your arguments, use other resources if necessary (with proper referencing)
• Keep your focus on Information Systems related issues

Report & Submission Guidelines
o Length of the report: up to 5 pages, plus Title Page, plus Ethics Statement
o Format of the report: single-spaced, Times, font size 12
o Referencing: reference your sources correctly; failing to do so is considered plagiarism
o The Ethics Statement must be signed by all group members and then scanned and added to the report
o Submit the report electronically: click on the submission link and follow the instructions
o This case is worth 8% of your final mark

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