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Task 1: Concept Research Document

Using the themes and theories from the lectures in combination with your own research, produce a document that outlines 3-4 creative ideas for interactive prototypes. Your ideas should be based on the equipment(sound, lighting, screen, headphones…) available for use in this course. For each concept use the following headings:
• Question: What question about the relationship between bodies and interfaces does the concept explore?
• Description: Give both written and visual/aural descriptions of the concept. Include a diagram of the installation that specifies the equipment that might be used.
• Points of Inspiration: Describe and explain your sources of inspiration for the concept e.g. other artworks, an object, images, videos, aural or musical sources, human/animal social, cultural or physical behavior, existing technology, fiction or non-fiction books, personal experience, a dream etc. Make sure that your text in this section clearly connects each source with the relevant specific aspects of your concept description above. Reference each source and where possible include a copy of the source or a link to it within your document.
The total document should be around 1000-1500 of your own words plus illustrative material.
Submit your document as a PDF. You may attach digital files if needed e.g. video, audio etc. Note: Maximum size of attachments is 200MB. Maximum number of files is 6 in total (inc document).
Task Objectives:
This task will encourage you to think creatively and critically about the form and content of interactive works. You will also develop a deeper understanding of the theories covered in class. These creative and conceptual tools will help you to successfully complete tasks 2 & 3.
Task Criteria:
• Creativity and innovativeness of practical concepts described.
• Quality and depth of research.
• Ability to synthesise theories and practice precedents with own concept.
• Evidence of engagement with the theme and with ideas and practices addressed in the course.
• Evidence of critical thinking beyond mere description.
• Generic aspects of scholarly writing i.e. writing style, citation practice, structure.

You can write what kind of technology that you may use in this project.
For example, you may use surround sound which could make this area more horrific/ give people a real feeling of standing with ghosts……

Otherwise, you may use different color of lights to create a creepy circumstances….

This essay is just to write the 3-4 ideas for this interactive prototype by using different equiments(sound, lighting, screen ,computers…..)

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