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I need an appropriate topic in Teaching.


Method of Assessment:

8,000 word report on research enquiry (review of literature, discussion of available methods and outline of chosen methodology, description of findings, critical evaluation, discussion and conclusion).

PLANNING THE WRITING OF YOUR REPORT. The headings below are just for guidance. You may well choose to adopt a different approach to the structure of the report. Discuss this with your supervisor.

Introduction – Brief account of what the research enquiry is about, the significance of the topic and how you have chosen to present it.

Context of the Enquiry – Discussion of your critical engagement with theory, policy and studies in your field and with previous explanations, findings or accounts offered. The purpose of this section is to put your own study/research questions in the context of other work, drawing out and highlighting those aspects which your enquiry explores further.

Research approach/research methods- Describe the approach/methods you chose to collect data/explore your topic and explain your choice. Include your ‘ethics protocol’ and discuss how it worked out in practice. Discuss the strengths and limitations of the method/s chosen. NB you may decide to keep your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of your own methodology until your ‘Conclusion’.

Findings/Themes Description of what you found out, an account of the information/data you gathered. By all means make this a narrative or an argument, making use of the interesting bits from your data collection, giving more detailed stuff in one or more appendices.

Analysis/Discussion – Putting findings in the context of previous research and/or theory, testing/generating explanations/hypotheses, i.e. have you confirmed your expectations and those of other researchers in the field or have you found something different/new/contradictory/anomalous? Can you make sense of your findings, can you offer some sort of explanation, however tentative?

Conclusion – Summarise what you have achieved. Critically evaluate your enquiry – what are its strengths and what are its weaknesses? What would you do differently? What have you learnt about the topic and about doing research?

Appendices – Place herein material which is too bulky to include in the text but which you nonetheless think is important and to which you refer.

References – List those publications to which you have referred, using the Harvard system. Please check with your tutor that you are using the system correctly before submitting your work for assessment.


8000 words.

Referencing style:


More details in the provided handbook.

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