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The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

Assignment type Research Paper
Discipline Psychology and Education
Description Overview and Purpose of the Assignment The product demonstrating depth of content knowledge will consist of a research paper that is in ? APA format ? a minimum of 5 pages ? double-spaced ? 1-inch Normal margins ? Times New Roman 12-point font ? Two spaces after each period (See Syllabus Handouts for several aids and tutorials for APA D of C format template) This paper will be evaluated by the EDU 400 instructor. The paper must demonstrate depth of knowledge in the content area and the ability to reason critically. A successful paper will also demonstrate the candidate’s ability to explore a topic in depth and to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the information that is found. A clearly stated thesis statement must be developed with reasoning to support that thesis. The paper should answer the following questions: ? Why is this topic meaningful for me as a future educator? ? What are the varying research perspectives surrounding the topic? ? How has the topic impacted the educational process? Step-by-Step Directions: 2. Find 3-5 academic sources to provide multiple perspectives on the topic. No .com sources may be used (only .edu, .org, and .gov). Possible outline for paper: I. Introduction a. Brief context of the issue b. Thesis statement including three main perspectives surrounding the issue II. Body a. 2 paragraphs examining each perspective on the issue (6-10 paragraphs total) III. Conclusion a. Summarizing the perspectives offered in your research b. Include your own opinion and explanation of which perspective you agree with and why you agree/disagree

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