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The Puzzle of Motivation

Research what the candle problem is. How can this apply to your daily life? What is functional fixedness? What is a FedEx day? How do you think the world would be different if you were to be offered FedEx days at your place of employment? (If you’re not currently employed, imagine a career you may be interested in for the example). Do you think you would be motivated by autonomy in the workplace, using scheduling techniques such as FedEx days, 20 percent time, or the ROWE (Results Only Work Environment)?

Write the Report in your own words. Format your text consistently throughout the Report, taking care to cite correctly the works used. Cite at least two sources other than Wikipedia to support your research. Include a Bibliography for those resources at the end of your document. The total word count for your report is: 250-500 words. A title page and the Bibliography do not count in this word count.

The Puzzle of Motivation:

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