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The reliability of an intelligence

Please read chapter 4 thoroughly and review the lecture notes for this
week prior to responding the Discussion Question below.1. Think about an experience where you have taken a test (an exam in
school, SAT, GRE, etc.) and felt that the observed score you obtained
did not really reflect your true score (your true knowledge of the
subject being tested). In your opinion, discuss what you think might
have been sources of error in your observed test scores.2. Reliability coefficients can be interpreted as the proportion of
variation in observed scores that can be attributed to actual
differences among people on some trait versus random factors that have
nothing to do with the measured characteristic or trait. Discuss how you
would interpret the hypothetical reliability coefficients in the
following examples:a.) The reliability of an intelligence test is .82b.) The reliability coefficient of the weight scale in the university
fitness center is .97c.) The reliability of a self-esteem test is .90

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