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The uses of intertextuality, symbolism and polysemy in advertising.


The essay must explain these concepts( intertextuality, semiotics and symbolism and polysemy) with references relevant scholarship , and it must illustrate their use in a selection of at least 3 examples of advertising ( screenshot of the examples and placed in the body of text). The examples of ads being discussed must be copied into the body of the text to assist the flow of analysis. Any form of advertising can be used- if discussing TV ads, use stills or screen grabs, and if necessary web links, for illustration. The three concepts overlap- you may discuss all three with respect to each ad, or focus on one ad per concept. Use a minimum of three ads for your analysis, and integrate these into the text as you discuss them- not in the appendix.

Marketing and advertising texts often refer to the ‘message’ But- the meaning of the message is c0-onstructed by the author and reader of a text (such as an ad) through shared cultural reference points. Break down how meaning is co-constructed in some examples of ads.

Symbolism refers to the capacity for signs to have second order meanings- something is used to represent something else- such as a digger for a hamburger, or blood for a car crash.

Symbolic meaning depends on cultural context – the colour red, for example, can mean many different things in different cultural contexts. Symbolism might involve visual or textual metaphor, in which one thing means something else-

Intertextuality requires shared cultural references to co-create meaning- one text refers to another, as when an ad refers to a Western nursery rhyme or fairy tale. Texts do not achieve meaning independently of other texts- advertising makes use of intertextuality in many ways.

Polysemy is the capacity for a communication to have more than one possible interpretation- the reader reads a story into the ad.

Please use some interesting examples of ads, some well-referenced and clearly articulated scholarship that draws on some interesting theoretical sources, and some novel and creative interpretations of advertising.

You can, if you wish, focus on a theme: cigarette ads, fragrance, fast food; the construction of gender , ethnicity, ‘lifestyle’; sexuality, health, leisure; etc. etc.

NB There is no definitive correct interpretation of an ad- the task is to support your interpretation with argument

The essay must be typed double-spaced in 12 point type, and Harvard style citations must be used to support the work theoretically with references to academic work. Sub-headings may be used within the essay. There are no other format requirements on format.

The essay will receive marks for presentation (including elements such as grammar and spelling, logical structure, clarity and fluency of English, correct use of references) and analysis (logical coherence, rigor of argument, extent to which points are well-supported by evidence, reasoning and/or citations to published work).

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