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Training Strategy for Rating System

Assignment type Research Paper
Discipline Business and Management
Description Individual Assignment Read the instructions carefully. The assignment is worth 30% of the course grade. Assume you have been asked to develop a proposal for Memorial University to enhance the quality of undergraduate student ratings of teacher performance. Along these lines, the University has decided that a lack of student training is one of the major problems that underlie the current system. Specifically, you have been asked to develop a training strategy for training students on how to complete the teacher evaluation form. For the assignment, please develop a training proposal (8 pages, double-spaced 12-point times-new-roman font; page limit does not include references or any tables/charts/figures etc.). To choose your training approach, you should consult the performance appraisal training research literature by performing a library search. Here is the library URL that will point you in the right direction: Library Link The best data bases to try are Business source complete and psycinfo Find research articles or review papers on the topic of performance appraisal training to identify at least three different training approaches that have been used to train performance raters. Take these 3 approaches you have identified and combine them to develop a comprehensive training strategy combining the three approaches for undergraduate students at MUN. Be sure to (a) describe each specific training approach of your comprehensive training program and provide at least two research-based references that provides evidence the approach should be effective, and (b) describe exactly how the training would be conducted for each of the three individual training approaches. For example, if one of your training approaches is Frame of Reference Training, describe how the training will be conducted (specifically how will you train students using this approach). The reader should have a basic understanding of what the training involves. The reader should also know how much time will be spent on each individual training approach and how long the overall comprehensive training program should take. Also be sure to provide information concerning when the training will be conducted (e.g., how will you ensure that all MUN undergraduate on-campus students receive the training). The report should follow the standard APA format. A separate pdf file describing the APA format can also be found in the syllabus module.

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