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Tutorial Paper

In this instance, you may answer the question taking whatever position with which you feel comfortable (i.e. affirmative or negative). Critically answer the question and review each side of the debate, present an argument as to which side (if any) of the debate you support and why.

Heritage and communities
David Lowenthal (2006) has argued that heritage has become the preserve of those enmeshed in a sense of victimhood. Indeed, he argues that heritage encourages tribalism and the special pleadings of ethnic groups. He is indisputably correct.

Do you agree with Lowenthal or not? This question goes very directly to some of the core issues at stake in dealing with Indigenous peoples, and for that matter any sub-altern social or cultural group. You might want consider how these issues impact on traditional ideas of heritage and museum stewardship in your discussion.

Required reading:
Harrison, R. and Hughes, L. 2010. Heritage, colonialism and postcolonialism. In In R. Harrison (ed) Understanding the Politics of Heritage, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Langford, R. 1983. Our heritage- your playground, Australian Archaeology, 16:1-6.
Lowenthal, D. 2006 Heritage wars, spiked. https://www.spiked-online.com/index.php/site/article/254/ (accessed 11 July 2014).
Supplementary Reading
Andrews, T.D. and Buggey, S. 2012. Canadian Aboriginal cultural landscapes in praxis. In K. Taylor and J. Lennon (eds) Managing Cultural Landscapes, Routledge.
Greer, S. 2010. Heritage and empowerment: Community-based Indigenous cultural heritage in northern Australia. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 16(1-2):45-58.
Hemming, S. and Rigney, D. 2010. Decentring the new protectors: Transforming Aboriginal heritage in South Australia, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 16(1-2):90-106
Smith, L., Morgan, A. and van der Meer, A. 2003. Community-driven research in cultural heritage management: The Waanyi Women’s History Project, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 9(1):65-80.
Smith, L. Uses of Heritage, London: Routledge, chapter 8.

Word limit: 1000

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