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Unit II Journal Assignment

As you journey through this unit, and are honing in on your critical thinking skills, you might have recognized the information regarding the Game Plan.
To help in your critical thinking process, the Game Plan, located on pages 38-42 in your textbook, consisting of 10 strategies, was created to help assist you in making critical decisions. One of the 10, Keep an Intellectual Journal, will be the main focus of this assignment, however, other strategies will be included.
Throughout the week you are to keep a journal. Within this journal, list at least three situations that have occurred during the week that are emotionally significant to you (meaning things you deeply care about).
From your list, accomplish the following, while keeping each situation separate from the rest:
1. Describe each situation and explain why each was important to you.
2. Describe how you behaved, with precise details, in each situation.
3. Formulate at least two questions that ask what was going on during the situation, and explain your answer to
each question as a means of self-assessment.
4. Of the nine strategies remaining, remember you are keeping an intellectual journal, choose two and explain how
using them will help you in decision making to solve each situation you listed.
Your journal needs to be a minimum of two pages in length, double spaced, and typed using 12-point Times New Roman font. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

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