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Home / Uncategorized / Western civilization -content– 1) What explains the differences in how the Hellenists governed the lands that Alexander had conquered? To explain your conclusion, consider the differences and similarities in how each area was governed, how they cooperated with one another, the problems that these areas faced, and how these problems could have been overcome. At least 500 words 2) Evaluate Rome’s attempt to reconcile the differences in law and culture that created the division of social classes. To explain your conclusion, consider whether Rome could have prevented the problems these divisions created. At least 300 words 3) Why do you think Alexander had so many achievements? Why do you think Alexander the Great continues to fascinate so many centuries after his death? Do you think Romanization was beneficial? Do you think some form of it still exists today? Why do you think so? At least 300 words 4) What did the “five good emperors” accomplish? Were they truly good? Explain. Do you think the destruction of the empire brought the stability Octavius promised? Did he save Rome by destroying the Republic? At least 300 words 5)Why did monasteries become the most important center of European learning in the early Middle Ages? Do you think the learning systems we have in place today would have worked in the Middle Ages? Why, or why not? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT

Western civilization -content– 1) What explains the differences in how the Hellenists governed the lands that Alexander had conquered? To explain your conclusion, consider the differences and similarities in how each area was governed, how they cooperated with one another, the problems that these areas faced, and how these problems could have been overcome. At least 500 words 2) Evaluate Rome’s attempt to reconcile the differences in law and culture that created the division of social classes. To explain your conclusion, consider whether Rome could have prevented the problems these divisions created. At least 300 words 3) Why do you think Alexander had so many achievements? Why do you think Alexander the Great continues to fascinate so many centuries after his death? Do you think Romanization was beneficial? Do you think some form of it still exists today? Why do you think so? At least 300 words 4) What did the “five good emperors” accomplish? Were they truly good? Explain. Do you think the destruction of the empire brought the stability Octavius promised? Did he save Rome by destroying the Republic? At least 300 words 5)Why did monasteries become the most important center of European learning in the early Middle Ages? Do you think the learning systems we have in place today would have worked in the Middle Ages? Why, or why not? PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET A GOOD DISCOUNT

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