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Your Corporate Code of Ethics

Title Your Corporate Code of Ethics (Bring Copy to Class)
Assignment type Coursework
Discipline Sociology
Description Your Corporate Code of Ethics (Bring Copy to Class) Draft a Code of Ethics for a business you intend to start or that you would like to work for. If you want to start a skateboarding company draft a code of ethics with that industry and all relevant stakeholders in mind. Your code must contain the following sections, not necessarily in this order: Mission Statement Purchasing Supply chain management Employee safety and morale Customer interaction Protocols for future expansion internationally and regionally Philanthropy. 3 unique sections to your industry Please use clear section headers for all areas of concern. Submit here and bring a copy to class in some form for review and revision, via laptop is fine if not in hard copy. Be as thorough as possible, review the material in this module and do further research to complete this task. Make an effort to consider the expectations for all stakeholders, and make an effort to balance the interests of all parties. To what standard must we hold them to? Use links for guidance We will crowd source every student’s vision for a concise Code. http://www.morgan.edu//Documents/constituent/CurrentStudents/Code-StudentConduct.pdf http://web.ethisphere.com/worlds-most-ethical/wme-honorees/ http://www.cc.com/video-clips/dc3rq6/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-mba-ethics-oath https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MBA_Oath

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